Our company pays the utmost attention to minimize our environmental impact, and over the years we have implemented concrete and effective actions to reduce our energy footprint by containing the energy consume.
Reduction of energy consumption
For a lower environmental impact, we have installed a 20 kW photovoltaic system on the roof of the company. On the warehouse and in the production area we have installed innovative covers for direct lighting with solar light and LED lights to reduce energy consumption: in this way we have reduced electricity consumption produced by non-renewable sources by 98%.
Waste management
The application of the RRDRR principle (Savings, Recovery, Differentiated, Re-use, Recycling) has made it possible to drastically reduce the waste sent to landfills. Paper, plastic, glass and metal are differentiated and sent for recycling. All the packages we receive from suppliers are reused for new deliveries, paper is minced and reused as a packing for the goods shipped; we only use remanufactured printer cartridges to further reduce the undifferentiated volume destined for landfill.
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
To reduce the environmental impact of transport we have upgraded our fleet of vehicles with high-efficiency models and all Euro 6. We have also installed condensing boilers to reduce the use of natural gas, and reduced of 20% our consumption of natural gas for heating by better insulating the warehouse.